Dolerw and Trehafren Parks
Date of event: Sat 18th Sep 2021
Level of event: Local (D)
Nearest town: Newtown
Apologies, but due to lack of entries this has been CANCELLED.
The event location will be Dolerw and Trehafren Parks, which are situated in Newtown, Powys. The SAT Nav postcode needed is SY16 2EH or you can use "What Three Words" "bathtubs, jumbo, tougher" - this will get you to the gate entrance (off Milford Road) leading down to the Car Park at Plas Dolerw.
Map: survey and cartography by Robert Griffiths (2018-2021) with some minor updates by Bill Marlow (2018-2021). Map Scale: 1:5000 to give greater clarity. There are quite a few paths, which act as good line features providing the Orienteer the ability to relocate (establish where they are on the map) quickly.
Because of the current Covid-19 regulations this event will be run as a virtual orienteering event. Hence you will need a smartphone with an App called UsynligO, which can be dowloaded from the internet using either of these links:
Instructions as to how to use this App can be found by clicking here.
Some important points:-
Entries only through Fabian4 and will be limited to 50, no entries on the day. Click on this link, find the event listed under Orienteering and finally click on "Enter".
Waterproof maps will be provided on the day to all competitors who have entered, you will also be able to see the same map on your smartphone if you prefer to use this.
Time slots will be allocated when you enter, please keep to these as we are trying to keep social distancing.
The only Club official available on the day will be the Organiser and Planner Bill Marlow. To avoid physical contact, maps will laid out in marked plastic trays, which Bill will point you to. Please keep the social distancing of 2 metre at all times - whilst this is no longer compulsary you are still asked to observe this when collecting your map before you start and also reporting back that you have finished.
Unfortunately the software does not allow the central recording of results but you will be able to view your results against the other competitors running your course by clicking on results tab on your UsynligO App after everyone has finished.
You will need to change your smartphone settings under display & brightness sub heading sleep to never sleep.
Allow UsynligO App to access your location at all times.
In the App settings set your control radius to 15 meters and minimum GPS accuracy to 100 meters
COVID-19 pandemic, please note the following
Please remember to stay safe and to stay within the governments guidelines on social distancing. As from 07/08/21 Wales is under catergory 0 now.
We hope that you enjoy the event, but please be mindful of your own health and others, we ask that you will:
Heed the current government restrictions for example if you have a pre-existing medical condition
Keep yourself safe, but also be aware and keep any members of the general public safe, so hand washing is important and do consider this as technical training not a race - always give people you encounter 2 meters of space - if you need to divert or stop and wait, please do so
Support the government’s efforts to manage the infection.
If you have any questions regarding the use of the software, which has not already been covered please let me know and I will try to answer them. You can contact me by email -
- Nearest town: Newtown
- Grid Ref: SO0369686
- Postcode: SY16 2EH
- Latitude: 52.51567
- Longitude: -3.32302
- Google Map (aerial) - Bing Map (OS)
- Planner: Bill Marlow
- Organiser: Bill Marlow
- Controller:
Info for dog owners
Dogs permitted under control
No facilities (e.g. toilets) at event. Cafes and Toilets in town - just Google KFC or McDonalds etc.
Please note: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.
Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.
Posted by Terry Smith