Club League how to calculate

Download the Excel spreadsheet from the website and decide who are the "candidates for potential 1st, 2nd  & 3rd" for each course.You only need to look at a Maximum of 4 on the Y, O and Lt. G as it's fairly clear-cut, but there are more than that on Blue as it is all very close. Remember, it's their best 5 events points to count, so with the other scores I "strike through".

1st Stage: Multiply their competition times on the day with their Handicap to get the Handicap time column.

2nd stage: Look who now has the fastest handicap time on each course and award them 1000 - the formula is e.g. =(1000*K$??/K??) where K is the example column that you have their actual time multiplied by their handicap time; and the question marks indicate the relevant cell for Joe Bloggs (winner on a particular course).

3rd stage: So if you happen to be using column K and cell 24 then by clicking on that cell you would see this  =(1000*K$24)/K24. The next person in cell K25 (or cell K23) would have this: =(1000*K$24)/K25. i.e the winner gets 1000, and in order to find their score in K25 you have the winner x 1000, divided the handicap time for cell K25.

4th stage: painstakingly copy and paste points on to League spreadsheet per person, per course and then Sigma (if they have only done 4 or less events) or add best 5 scores cells (if they have done more that 5 events) and strike through all others for that person.

5th stage: upload on to website.

6th stage: inform club Members by email.

7th stage: have a beer!!!!

Downloadable Documents

Age Group Speed ratios

17th Nov 15  by Terry Smith