Schools Orienteering 2014

Over the last 4 years we have seen an increase in participation where this year we had 1131 children from 36 schools taking part in the 6 cluster events held during October. These events were followed by the North and South Powys County Championships held in November, where a further 336 children took part who had qualified from the cluster competitions.

The structure of the cluster events is a series of coaching activities followed by an orienteering competition undertaken with Si equipment. The courses are planned and organised by Bill and Terry either within school premises or, where available, mapped areas that are conducive for coaching and competition. The degree of difficulty is set according to age, White for years 3&4 and Yellow for years 5&6. 

A great deal of time is spent with the 5x60 Officers in organising each of these events; getting schools to complete their entry forms in advance of the event date so that dibbers can be pre-allocated, printing sufficient maps and making sure we have enough helpers to support the running of the activities. This has involved on some occasions going into college to give student helpers instruction in how to deliver the coaching activity in order that they are prepared and ready to go on the day.

Both Bill and Terry have been doing this purely on a voluntary basis supported by the 5x60 Officers without whom these events would not have taken place. So we would like to take this opportunity in giving a big thank you to all of these Officers and helpers who have made it possible, and hopefully we will look forward to their continued support in future years.

Finally, as you may be aware, Bill through his work with the schools was nominated for the  BBC Wales Sports Personality Unsung Hero award, which he subsequently won. Bill now goes on as one of the 13 candidates to the UK Sports Personality Unsung Hero awards in Glasgow next Monday so make a date to watch. If you would like to see the BBC Wales presentation ceremony click on this link and scroll to 34 minutes.

On behalf of the Club I would like to wish Bill the best of luck for Monday and maybe now orienteering will have better recognition as a sport for all.

12th Dec 14  by Terry Smith