Summer evening event Thursday 19th June 2014

The weather was glorious, and some of our newest members were able to get their teeth into some pretty, albeit overgrown, forest paths, winding up the gentle hillside and down again past patches of open bracken, with well-placed benches making the most of the pretty views. The more experienced juniors, and seniors, took the longer orange route and ventured higher onto the trimmed hillside, where the brambles obscured the well-established but little-used paths, and the whole had the feel of a half-grown forest again. A severe test of corner-cutting was presented by the Very Light Green course, and in fact this felt like Very Dark Green territory, for the most part as competitors dived into head-high bracken and general forest growth. Those tempted to risk wearing shorts soon regretted their summer apparel, and red-raw legs were the order of the evening for the most competitive; this rather tame small woodland protected its heart with fierce undergrowth indeed.

The courses were exciting and testing, with good practice offered to all standards.

Submitted by Kate


20th Jun 14  by Terry Smith